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Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 2023


Thank you for your interest in being contacted by our company.

By requesting to be contacted, you accept these terms for our processing of your personal data.

By filling out the form, you agree to be contacted by us:

Accobat A / S

If you have any questions, wish to withdraw this consent or anything else, you are always welcome to contact us at info@accobat.com and we will take care of your inquiry as soon as possible.


This data policy applies to Accobat's processing of personal data in the broadest sense in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data.


The management of Accobat is responsible for ensuring that all personal data is collected, stored, used and deleted correctly. As Accobat's activities are not primarily based on data processing processes, no Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed.


Accobat collects and uses the following data types:

Employees: Name, date of birth, marital status, address, telephone number, e-mail address, name of next of kin, address, e-mail address and telephone number, bank details.

Accobat's board of directors: Name, social security number, marital status, address, telephone number, e-mail address, tax information, bank information, if any. passport and or driver's license information. Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, possibly VR number / NACE code of company, job title, industry, function and similar information regarding segmentation. However, not personally sensitive data. Persons in work trial or internship Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address.


Personal information can be divided into ordinary and sensitive information.

Ordinary personal information is e.g. information that serves for identification, social security number, address, email and financial information. Sensitive personal information is e.g. information on racial or ethnic background, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, significant social conditions, health, sexual relations, trade union relations, biometric data and penalties.


A distinction is made between the storage of ordinary personal data, including social security numbers and particularly sensitive personal data.

Accobat primarily stores personal data information in payroll systems and time registration systems, which in both cases are cloud solutions. They are password protected. Sensitive personal information is stored in separate files or systems that are protected by a different password than the one that generally provides access to the computer. Only senior management and employees whose job title includes work with this data have access.

Case files and safes are in the office, which are either staffed or locked. Only Accobat's staff have a key to the office. Outside normal office hours, the office, as well as the rest of Accobat's leases, are protected by burglar alarms connected to the call center.

Backup of computer is done in Microosft Azure. MailChimp, GoToWebinar and the like. services are also sub-processors of data.


Accobat only collects personal information where there is a clear need and purpose. Accobat in principle only uses data for the purposes for which they were collected or provided by the person in question. Accobat does not pass on any data to others without the permission of those concerned, with the exception of such data that is required to be passed on by public authority or in accordance with applicable law (note that MailChimp is a sub-processor of subscribing to events and newsletters, where data is sent to GDPR -compliant business outside the EU). The personal data submitted to Accobat is used by the management and the administration. In some cases, data may also be processed by Accobat's Board of Directors. Non-sensitive personal data about Accobat's employees and customers are processed in accordance with Accobat's other data.


Accobat basically deletes all personal data that is no longer needed. However, for reasons of documentation to authorities and in accordance with accounting legislation, certain data will not be deleted until after 5 years. Anyone who is registered can demand that all their data be deleted. Accobat will immediately comply with such a request and will notify those concerned when it has occurred. Personal data in connection with unsolicited applications for housing, work, scholarships, etc. deleted immediately.


Accobat perceives the voluntary submission of ordinary personal data as consent to Accobat being able to store and use data about the persons in question for the stated purpose. Certain sensitive personal data, e.g. personal numbers and information on personal financial matters, are stored and used only by specific agreement between Accobat and the data subject. Particularly sensitive personal data is stored and used only in very special cases and only after written consent has been given. Every registered person has the right to be informed which data Accobat stores about the person in question and for which data is used. Incorrect information is corrected immediately upon request. Accobat does not use personal data for direct marketing. The information on consent is published on Accobat's website. Recipients of news / marketing / mass emails have given their consent in connection with conversions / subscriptions on our website (this is stated when converting / subscribing). In addition, when filling out questionnaires and the like, where consent can also be deselected. Furthermore, any recipient of the said emails can unsubscribe with a click (cf. the SPAM section in the Marketing Act).


In the event of a breach of data security, Accobat will notify the Danish Data Protection Agency within 72 hours. If the breach of security involves a risk of abuse of the rights of the persons concerned, including discrimination, identity theft or fraud, the persons concerned shall be notified immediately


When a person wants personal data deleted, an email is sent to info@accobat.com. The request is processed by the administration which monitors the INFO email address. The administration forwards information about the person's name to the relevant employee. Internal IT ensures that any person data is deleted in Active Directory, personal folders, Timelog (time registration system) and Data Warehouse. Marketing ensure that any personal data is deleted in CRM and newsletter. Management checks that all personal data is deleted.


Accobat has an internal data protection policy in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation.

Accobat uses those entered on the website or per. letter, e-mail, telephone or in person personal information provided as a basis for planning meetings, seminars, sales follow-ups, etc., Accobat perceives any submission of personal information in the above connection as an expressed consent to the personal information being made the subject of electronic registration and processing in connection with the processing of the petition in question.

Accobat does not pass on or resell personal data to third parties except in cases where the law requires data to be passed on to the authorities.

Accobat also uses the information provided to generate statistics at an overall level on teaching, applications and sales efforts, etc. The statistics are used internally in Accobat for case processing as well as for relevant publication in annual reports and on Accobat's website.

Accobat stores the personal data for as long as is necessary for the above purposes. The personal data is stored securely and is only available to Accobat's employees and management, respectively. Accobat's Board of Directors to the extent that the individual needs the information in connection with the case processing. When the storage of personal data no longer has a clear and objective purpose, it is securely deleted.

It is a prerequisite for Accobat's processing of petitions to Accobat that you give your consent to the processing of your personal data.

However, you can withdraw your consent at any time, however, this will mean that Accobat will not be able to process your petition.

You can at any time be informed to what extent Accobat processes information about you and for what purposes your information is used and object to this. Incorrect information will be corrected immediately. Inquiries in this connection should be directed to: info@accobat.com. If you believe that your personal data is being used in violation of the Data Protection Regulation, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

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